Alam Para Dewa

Di hamparan salju berkabut yang luas, serpihan es yang tak terhitung jumlahnya ditiup dengan cara melingkar oleh angin yang membeku. Mereka bertabrakan satu sama lain di tengah udara, melepaskan dingin tulang belakang yang mengerikan, yang mengancam akan membekukan jiwa manusia. T-nya adalah Snowfall Realm, salah satu dari banyak alam dalam Domain Divine. Snowfall Realm pernah turun salju, mengubah jejak air menjadi salju dingin. Di dalam tanah salju yang sepi ini, di daerah tertentu, kepingan salju tiba-tiba bergerak di sekitarspiral, seolah-olah telah dipengaruhi oleh sesuatu. Kepingan salju menyatu satu sama lain sebelum secara bertahap menyebar ke dalam bentuk pusaran air. Tirai bercahaya, tampaknya terbuat dari quicksilver muncul dari udara tipis. Pada saat berikutnya, seorang wanita yang mengenakan jubah biru laut muncul dari dalam. Wanita ini memancarkan aura keunggulan, rambut hitamnya turun seperti air terjun, seluruh tubuhnya memancarkan suasana kemurnian suci. Dia seperti bunga teratai batu giok bersalju yang mekar. Namun, wajah wanita itu pucat dan jejak darah bisa dilihat dari sudut bibirnya, mengganggu aura spiritualitasnya yang lembut. Tirai bercahaya menghilang dan wanita itu meludahkan seteguk darah, kesadarannya menjadi lebih lemah.

Appearance of A Wild Boss

It was in the year 2900 of the Midgard calendar. Back then, there was a Conqueror King who once reigned supreme and had reached the very brink of subduing the world. Her name was Ruphas Mafahl, a great woman dreaded as the Black-Winged Conqueror King. She was too strong, too fast, and too powerful… However, she was defeated by Heroes who opposed her ferocity, and her ambition was brought to an end. ――or so went the story of our protagonist’s in-game character, whose body he now possesses for some reason in a world 100 years after Ruphas’ downfall. Follow our protagonist as he becomes unnecessarily feared by his surroundings and unnecessarily worshiped by his former subordinates as he―or now she―cheerfully travels around this fantasy world.

Bela Diri Alam Semesta

Kekaisaran Yan Agung ada di dunia di mana rasa hormat hanya dapat diperoleh melalui kekuatan. Di dalam Kekaisaran Yan Besar ini, empat klan besar selalu berdiri di atas yang lain.Di antara mereka, terdapat insiden di Klan Lin mengakibatkan pembuangan seorang individu yang kemudian memulai keluarganya sendiri, dengan harapan suatu hari akan dikenali lagi oleh Klan Lin, dan bergabung kembali dengan mereka. Berasal dari keluarga yang dibuang. keluarga besar Lin Clan, ketika Lin Dong masih sangat muda, dia menyaksikan, tak berdaya, sebagai ayahnya yang berbakat dengan mudah dihancurkan dan dilumpuhkan oleh kejeniusan luar biasa dari Lin Clan yang hebat, Lin Langtian. Dengan ayah yang putus asa, kakek yang patah hati, dan keluarga yang menderita, sejak hari yang menentukan itu, Lin Dong telah didorong oleh tujuan yang dalam; untuk membalas dendam pada pria yang telah mengambil segalanya dan lebih dari keluarganya. Berbekal apa-apa selain tekad, bergabunglah dengan Lin Dong saat dia tanpa sadar menemukan takdir yang lebih besar daripada yang bisa dia bayangkan ketika dia menemukan jimat batu misterius.

Blessing From Heaven

Eight hundred years ago, Xie Lian was the Crown Prince of the Xian Le kingdom. He was loved by his citizens and was considered the darling of the world. He ascended to the Heavens at a young age; however, due to unfortunate circumstances, was quickly banished back to the mortal realm. Years later, he ascends again–only to be banished again a few minutes after his ascension. Now, eight hundred years later, Xie Lian ascends to the Heavens for the third time as the laughing stock among all three realms. On his first task as a god thrice ascended, he meets a mysterious ghost who rules over the ghosts and terrifies the Heavens, yet, unbeknownst to Xie Lian, this ghost king has been paying attention to him for a very, very long time.

Bloodline Clan

Su Chen lost his sight in an unfortunate, unanticipated encounter. He was unwilling to give up despite suffering one of the most tragic fates possible in the human realm and fought on. Su Chen wants to use his own efforts to create a completely new destiny, both for himself and for mankind!

Bos Terakhir yang Liar Muncul

Itu di tahun 2800 dari kalender Midgard. Saat itu, ada seorang Tuan yang pernah memerintah tertinggi dan telah mencapai ambang menaklukkan dunia. Namanya adalah Ruphas Mafahl, seorang wanita hebat yang ditakuti sebagai Black-Winged Overlord. Dia terlalu kuat, terlalu cepat, dan terlalu kuat ... Namun, dia dikalahkan oleh Pahlawan yang menentang keganasannya, dan ambisinya berakhir. —Atau begitulah kisah tentang karakter dalam-permainan protagonis kami, yang tubuhnya sekarang ia miliki karena suatu alasan di dunia dua ratus tahun setelah kejatuhan Ruphas. Ikuti protagonis kita karena dia menjadi takut tidak perlu oleh lingkungannya dan tidak perlu disembah oleh mantan bawahannya saat dia ― atau sekarang dia ― dengan riang berkeliling dunia fantasi ini.

Douluo Continent Spirit Master

Ba-Shu[1], through history famed as a land of plenty, and within it, the most famous sect that could never be surpassed: Tang Sect. Tang Sect’s location was a mysterious place. Most people only knew that it was halfway up a mountain, and that the mountain where Tang Sect was located had a place with a terrifying name, ——Hell’s Peak[2]. A rock thrown from on top of the precipice at Hell’s Peak would take a full count of nineteen before the echo of it hitting the bottom could be heard, thus its height could be seen, and it was also because of these nineteen seconds, even surpassing the eighteen levels of hell by one, that gave it its name.


Rudel Asses, anak sulung dari salah satu 'Three Lords' Kerajaan Courtois, berasal dari keluarga yang korup, namun pada usia 5 tahun, dia melihat seekor naga di langit, kemudian masa depannya yang gelap sebagai penjahat mulai berubah. Dia dianggap idiot, tapi apakah itu benar? Bagaimana usahanya menjadi Dragoon untuk mengubah kerajaan?


Rudel Arses, the first born of one of the ‘Three Lords’ of the Courtois Kingdom, is from a corrupted family, but at 5 years old, he saw a dragon in the sky and his dark future as a villain changed. He was considered an idiot, but was that true? How would his effort to become a dragoon change the kingdom?

Dukes of The Northlands

In a world where magic is long but a thing of the distant past, where humans have the potential of harnessing a dormant power within them, called Battle Force… A man from modern-day Earth finds himself suddenly waking up in the body of Norton Lorist, a youth of noble descent that had been exiled from his homeland in the North by his family to Morante City, the capital of the Forde Trade Union on the pretext of pursuing his studies. Little did he know what would await him when he receives a summons from his family years later to return to the Northlands and inherit the position of the family head… This is the tale of his life before the summons… This is the tale of his journey northward and the allies he gathers along the way… This is the tale of his rebuilding his family’s dominion and keeping it safe from other power-hungry nobles… This is the tales of the Reincarnated Lord.

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